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How I Got Free of Depression

Dealing with the root cause of depression by treating depression as a symptom is the only way to get free. Rock House Center founder John Murphy tells his story of how he got free of depression and leads the listener in the first step toward their own freedom.

In this podcast, John and Beth provide an important answer that is absent in traditional mental health approaches. We welcome you to share the message and Rock House Center resources with anyone seeking freedom from anxiety and depression.

In His Rest

John and Beth Murphy

Do Note

We have created an 8-day Pathway to Peace devotional course and we are giving it away free to anyone who wants more of the peace God has for them. This devotional course relies fully on God to lead each person down a pathway of knowing Him and trusting Him for their peace.

  • 00:00:00 John Murphy

    This is the Rock House Center podcast and I'm John.

    00:00:02 Beth Murphy

    Murphy and I'm Beth Murphy.

    00:00:04 Beth Murphy

    We're here to talk about depression today because it's prevalent, more prevalent now, probably than ever before, and we talk with people everyday at Rockhouse Center and want to emphasize the importance of a specific aspect of A cause of depression, which is that there could be many things.

    00:00:20 Beth Murphy

    Going on that, people relate or connect in their past or their present to depression.

    00:00:25 Beth Murphy

    But I can say that.

    00:00:26 Beth Murphy

    In 100% of the cases at Rockhouse Center, there is always some UN forgiveness that is contributing strongly if not primarily and significantly as a source of depression.

    00:00:39 John Murphy

    That certainly my testimony has a lot to do with why we're here.

    00:00:41 John Murphy

    Today was the original breakthrough that I had in depression.

    00:00:45 John Murphy

    I had depression for probably I don't know 25 or 30 years. By the time I started talking to a counselor about it.

    00:00:51 John Murphy

    And as irritating as it was to hear it at the time.

    00:00:54 John Murphy

    And it was very irritating to hear it.

    00:00:55 John Murphy

    I will admit she determined that I had forgiveness issues and I had been hanging on to things for a lot of years.

    00:01:00 John Murphy

    I call it the abusers of my.

    00:01:02 John Murphy

    Past there was a lot of offense.

    00:01:04 John Murphy

    There were a lot of people.

    00:01:05 John Murphy

    I was angry at because of my life story did this through a wide range of sources I had.

    00:01:11 John Murphy

    Received a fair amount of emotional or physical abuse, a lot of bullying at times in in my growing up years and all that stuff was still inside of me.

    00:01:19 John Murphy

    All of it was inside of me in the form of a fence.

    00:01:22 John Murphy

    And it was causing a lot of resentment and processing and anger.

    00:01:28 John Murphy

    It would be very easy for me to get mad because I was already mad inside and didn't take much to set me off.

    00:01:34 John Murphy

    And I was in a place where I was feeling very much like there was a heavy cloud on me.

    00:01:38 John Murphy

    That I couldn't get free of, and so she suggested that I do forgiveness.

    00:01:42 John Murphy

    Work and my first response was, like I said, was to get angry and just to reject the idea completely and I was probably weeks, maybe even months.

    00:01:51 John Murphy

    Just in this conversation with God that I'm not going to forgive, why should I have to forgive and had a lot of justification for not forgiving?

    00:01:58 John Murphy

    Why should I forgive them?

    00:01:59 John Murphy

    What did they ever do for me?

    00:02:00 John Murphy

    Why should I give them a blessing?

    00:02:02 John Murphy

    Why should I let them off the hook?

    00:02:04 John Murphy

    And why should I give up my desire to get even with them at some point in my life?

    00:02:08 John Murphy

    You know all of those things were in their brewing and stirring, and they were a huge source of depression, which I didn't really get the connection at the time.

    00:02:15 John Murphy

    But when I finally just out of obedience.

    00:02:18 John Murphy

    And because I wanted to honor God, and I knew I was just so convicted that gut.

    00:02:22 John Murphy

    That is what God wanted me to do.

    00:02:24 John Murphy

    That conviction became very strong inside of me that it was about honoring God.

    00:02:29 John Murphy

    It had really nothing to do with those people.

    00:02:31 John Murphy

    There really wasn't going to be any justification that I was going to come up with in my own strength to let them go.

    00:02:38 John Murphy

    That the only thing that was going to make a difference in what gave me the energy of the willingness to do it was God let me into the Kingdom.

    00:02:45 John Murphy

    You know, I was a pretty rough out of control non believer slash atheist person and God let me into the Kingdom and I could appreciate when I came into the Kingdom that he had loved me through that whole thing and so I was just.

    00:02:58 John Murphy

    Honoring him and was grateful to him, and so that's what gave me the energy to push through and resist all the things inside of me.

    00:03:04 John Murphy

    That said, no, no, no, don't forget.

    00:03:06 John Murphy

    Of them, I also noticed that there was an aspect of my life where I was blaming those people for the things that were wrong in my life and I was going to have to give up being able to dump on other people the consequences of my decisions and the things that I was doing and how I was feeling and the opportunity that I was not taking to deal with my issues.

    00:03:26 John Murphy

    Instead, I would rather blame them for the condition I was in, and all of those things I had to deal with and I had to actually pull away from and reject those ideas.

    00:03:36 John Murphy

    And the reason the only reason I was able to do that again was because this was all about ultimately honoring God.

    00:03:41 John Murphy

    I remember just sitting down and having after making that decision, having this sort of very mercenary, obedient soldier like no real sense of forgiveness towards them.

    00:03:50 John Murphy

    I mean, it's not like we have to work up all this grace or that we have to work up all this this empathy.

    00:03:56 John Murphy

    For the people you forgive, it really has nothing to do with them.

    00:03:59 John Murphy

    The scripture in Matthew is really clear that as we hang on to our UN, forgiveness were tormented and that torment was the thing that was was that seed of darkness that just grew and grew and grew throughout my life and had kept me in a place of depression.

    00:04:11 John Murphy

    And what was so fascinating was that the prayer really wasn't that emotional.

    00:04:15 John Murphy

    It wasn't that sort of moving, it was just.

    00:04:18 John Murphy

    It just felt like.

    00:04:20 John Murphy

    But what was?

    00:04:21 John Murphy

    Really amazing was that over the next.

    00:04:24 John Murphy

    60 to 90 days.

    00:04:25 John Murphy

    30 years of depression came off of me that there was this incredible weight that was associated with all that offense and there was incredible internal torment around that, and it was.

    00:04:34 John Murphy

    That was what was shutting me.

    00:04:35 John Murphy

    Down, and it was that forgiveness that actually cut off the access.

    00:04:40 John Murphy

    According to Scripture we are.

    00:04:41 John Murphy

    We will be tormented if we.

    00:04:43 John Murphy

    Are in a place and hang on to unforgiveness because Jesus gave forgiveness without any condition and that's expected of us the way that the Kingdom is set up is that there are consequences for hanging on to UN forgiveness and that's to feel tormented and that was what was underneath this huge cloud.

    00:04:59 John Murphy

    And it was just an amazing experience that that was all I did and ended 30 years of depression.

    00:05:04 John Murphy

    It was so moving that the thing that happened from that was man I want more of that if there are more ways in which my life can be better by honoring God in my life.

    00:05:12 John Murphy

    I'm after that I want to figure out how that happened.

    00:05:14 John Murphy

    And I also knew that there were a whole lot of people who were just like me who were believers, non believers.

    00:05:19 John Murphy

    But they were stuck in in really a lot of emotional darkness and they needed freedom and it was clear that God has a pathway to bring you to peace and to get you out from under anxiety and out from under depression and forgiveness is one of those tools.

    00:05:32 John Murphy

    It's just really important so.

    00:05:34 John Murphy

    I just want to share that and help people understand that there is the opportunity to breakthrough a level, if not all of the of the depression that we may be suffering under as well as maybe the anxiety if we can honor God, identify who those people are and.

    00:05:50 John Murphy

    Deal with the offense by forgiveness and not requiring anything of those people just like Jesus required nothing of us for his forgiveness.

    00:05:58 Beth Murphy

    Amazingly, I watched all that unfold and was celebrating.

    00:06:03 Beth Murphy

    Of course, that you did that forgiveness, you're really mad at those people and could see that you need to download that and just.

    00:06:12 Beth Murphy

    Celebrated that you did it and then watched overtime that testimony unfold where the depression lifted.

    00:06:18 Beth Murphy

    But the amazing part of it is that I did a quick little self examination and concluded that I didn't have any UN forgiveness because I couldn't identify with that because I wasn't consciously mad at anybody and I actually went.

    00:06:33 Beth Murphy

    Two years beyond that, firmly.

    00:06:37 Beth Murphy

    Solidly in the camp of believing that I didn't have any unforgiveness because I had gone the route of this person or that person may have disappointed me, hurt me, betrayed me, whatever, but my view is that I've moved on.

    00:06:51 Beth Murphy

    That's water under the bridge.

    00:06:53 Beth Murphy

    I've been a good Christian for a long time.

    00:06:55 Beth Murphy

    I might be helping, or even ministering.

    00:06:57 Beth Murphy

    To that person, befriending them not actively holding a grudge.

    00:07:01 Beth Murphy

    So that means I don't have any UN forgiveness.

    00:07:04 Beth Murphy

    That self examination incorrectly is also very common throughout our clients, and I think the entire Chris.

    00:07:12 Beth Murphy

    In world, but what happened the way God so kindly brought the truth to me?

    00:07:18 Beth Murphy

    Kind of removed the veil from my eyes was.

    00:07:22 Beth Murphy

    Watching a video for a ministry, we were going to do and something that the man did and the teaching in that video allowed the door to open and I got the conviction of the Holy Spirit that I had someone to forgive and that resulted in a couple of weeks.

    00:07:37 Beth Murphy

    10 days, two weeks of just talking to God asking who is it?

    00:07:41 Beth Murphy

    I need to forgive?

    00:07:41 Beth Murphy

    I can't.

    00:07:42 Beth Murphy

    Think of anyone I legitimately cannot think of anybody.

    00:07:45 Beth Murphy

    And I knew.

    00:07:46 Beth Murphy

    So I knew I was being convicted.

    00:07:48 Beth Murphy

    No clue who it was.

    00:07:49 Beth Murphy

    So I decided.

    00:07:50 Beth Murphy

    OK, I'm going.

    00:07:51 Beth Murphy

    On a retreat.

    00:07:52 Beth Murphy

    Turns out it was going to be 24 hour retreat when our children were little. It happened to be 4th of July weekend.

    00:07:58 Beth Murphy

    You were home.

    00:07:59 Beth Murphy

    You're going to keep our children, and so I'm setting off.

    00:08:03 Beth Murphy

    I'm going to retreat 90 miles from here.

    00:08:05 Beth Murphy

    Up in a nice little area in the mountains, I distinctly remember it because it I was sitting in traffic on the Interstate in Nashville, underneath the Fesslers lane.

    00:08:16 Beth Murphy

    On sitting there motionless, snarling about the traffic and thinking, listen, why did I leave on Friday afternoon?

    00:08:22 Beth Murphy

    The Millers traffic gotta get home.

    00:08:24 Beth Murphy

    Saturday night I'm going to spend my whole retreat sitting in traffic.

    00:08:28 Beth Murphy

    And I felt this prompting this sort of thought from God planted in my mind that, oh, I could talk to you while I'm in traffic.

    00:08:36 Beth Murphy

    So I just started talking to God.

    00:08:38 Beth Murphy

    Going well, Katie, you know why I'm here.

    00:08:40 Beth Murphy

    I mean I can just start right now.

    00:08:42 Beth Murphy

    I just want you to show me who I need to forgive, who is the person I need to forgive, what began was.

    00:08:47 Beth Murphy

    A movie playing out in my life of selected scenes of my.

    00:08:51 Beth Murphy

    Well, I from this House when I was a little girl that house going through all these different stages of life.

    00:08:57 Beth Murphy

    At this point I would have been early 40s, so it was certainly not my whole life by any means.

    00:09:04 Beth Murphy

    But selected scenes in memories each thought that came to mind.

    00:09:08 Beth Murphy

    Each memory that came to mind I was crying about it.

    00:09:11 Beth Murphy

    So it was.

    00:09:12 Beth Murphy

    Helping me realize.

    00:09:13 Beth Murphy

    Well, I guess that was hurtful.

    00:09:14 Beth Murphy

    I guess that was painful.

    00:09:16 Beth Murphy

    Then it started dawning on me that oh, I guess then if that was something that where I took offence or it was hurtful or or and I'm still remembering it all these years later.

    00:09:26 Beth Murphy

    Oh, I guess that might mean I need to forgive them.

    00:09:29 Beth Murphy

    So I came out of that movie in my head.

    00:09:33 Beth Murphy

    Fortunately, the Lord helped me drive my car on autopilot in some way, but I came out of that.

    00:09:38 Beth Murphy

    Going up the mountain to Swanee 90 miles from here.

    00:09:41 Beth Murphy

    So that was quite a lengthy movie.

    00:09:44 Beth Murphy

    Again selected things, and as I came out of it, I realized.

    00:09:48 Beth Murphy

    So I see what's going on here all this time.

    00:09:53 Beth Murphy

    I've thought there was one person I needed to forgive, and I've been pursuing you.

    00:09:58 Beth Murphy

    God in that and what you're revealing to me is.

    00:10:00 Beth Murphy

    I've never forgiven anybody because I didn't know what it was.

    00:10:04 Beth Murphy

    I thought forgiveness was what you had done, John, that you know.

    00:10:09 Beth Murphy

    Or some some anger or some offense or hurt, or resentment that you're aware of.

    00:10:14 Beth Murphy

    But my own awareness of it made fooled me into believing that I didn't have any.

    00:10:19 Beth Murphy

    And of course, that's just not the case.

    00:10:22 Beth Murphy

    Everyone but Jesus has got some, and so God, in his kindness plucked those things that were specific that I needed to see.

    00:10:30 Beth Murphy

    And that I needed to forgive.

    00:10:31 Beth Murphy

    So I got to my retreat center, knowing I had my agenda.

    00:10:35 Beth Murphy

    And so he had given me that, and I was just going to walk out, obediently honoring him in prayer.

    00:10:42 Beth Murphy

    You know not talking to these people, I mean that I might not have seen the people for 10 years or they might be deceased.

    00:10:48 Beth Murphy

    It didn't really matter.

    00:10:49 Beth Murphy

    It's not about reconciling with them.

    00:10:50 Beth Murphy

    It's not about interacting with them or condoning them or saying that.

    00:10:55 Beth Murphy

    The offenses were somehow minimized at all.

    00:10:59 Beth Murphy

    Jesus wasn't minimizing anything anyone did to him on the cross.

    00:11:03 Beth Murphy

    He was just legitimately forgiving them and praying blessings over them.

    00:11:06 Beth Murphy

    So I knew what my agenda was.

    00:11:08 Beth Murphy

    I understood conceptually about forgiveness.

    00:11:10 Beth Murphy

    I just thought I didn't have any UN forgiveness, so went through.

    00:11:14 Beth Murphy

    That, and an interesting little tidbit on that was I got to this retreat center.

    00:11:19 Beth Murphy

    This sort of Spartan, like little area with the sort of like a dorm with the central hallway and little doors.

    00:11:26 Beth Murphy

    I had reserved a room with the 4th of July weekend so they had a name tag on my door, which was Beth Murphy Independence Day and I looked at that.

    00:11:34 Beth Murphy

    And start crying again, laughing, crying.

    00:11:36 Beth Murphy

    'cause I I knew I'd watched what had happened in your life.

    00:11:40 Beth Murphy

    I knew that this was an Independence Day for me.

    00:11:43 Beth Murphy

    We weren't far enough along and the whole understanding of how transformation works and how God changes our hearts and how we're transformed by the renewing of our minds.

    00:11:51 Beth Murphy

    And you get freedom from things like depression.

    00:11:53 Beth Murphy

    I just recognized I had.

    00:11:57 Beth Murphy

    This God had pointed it out to me and I was having an Independence Day opportunity.

    00:12:03 Beth Murphy

    Here I was going to get free of that unforgiveness.

    00:12:05 Beth Murphy

    Well, I I think I recognize there's distance from God and there is.

    00:12:08 Beth Murphy

    There's a problem.

    00:12:09 Beth Murphy

    You got some kind of problem caused by what I didn't recognize until quite some time later.

    00:12:14 Beth Murphy

    Is that my own depression lifted off again?

    00:12:17 Beth Murphy

    In the sort of unawareness of life I didn't know I had depression.

    00:12:22 Beth Murphy

    I had to have that pointed out to me and and I resisted that more than I resisted the UN forgiveness because I I felt like that was a.

    00:12:31 Beth Murphy

    I don't I took offence at it like my thought was hey wait a minute I feel like I'm pretty successful in life.

    00:12:37 Beth Murphy

    I don't feel like I've got depression.

    00:12:39 Beth Murphy

    Me who are you talking to again?

    00:12:41 Beth Murphy

    I just felt like that was sort of like that's a failing on my part and you're you're pointing out something wrong with me so I resisted that for a couple of years but finally had to cave in.

    00:12:51 Beth Murphy

    To the gentle pressure of the acknowledgement of what the world calls depression and that I had those symptoms.

    00:12:56 Beth Murphy

    What I came to realize as this all mix was occurring in kind of like concurrent tracks running along in my life was that the freedom from that came from.

    00:13:07 Beth Murphy

    The lifting of the UN forgiveness and all of what was in me unbeknownst to me.

    00:13:13 Beth Murphy

    So the fact that I didn't know it didn't negate the inner torment that was going on.

    00:13:19 Beth Murphy

    It just meant I had no clue where it was coming from and in my case I really had very little clue that I had it in the 1st place, so God knew all that.

    00:13:27 Beth Murphy

    He just walked me through the steps, getting the healing that needed to get started and getting the transformation path underway.

    00:13:35 Beth Murphy

    And so now.

    00:13:37 Beth Murphy

    All these years later, it's very easy for me to have empathy for every client that I see here, and whichever camp they fall into, whether it's more like your version or more like my version in terms of they're coming to grips with the fact that they're like everyone else in humanity and they haven't perfectly forgiven people and they have.

    00:13:57 Beth Murphy

    Held on to hurt and defence offenses and people who feel like they they feel like they betrayed them or just constantly critical parents or parents that communicated whatever you do.

    00:14:08 Beth Murphy

    It's never enough or whatever.

    00:14:10 Beth Murphy

    Whatever that all the many different sources of hurts that we have in our lives.

    00:14:15 Beth Murphy

    The opportunity is to acknowledge it.

    00:14:19 Beth Murphy

    Just be obedient to God and walk out the forgiveness process and the fascinating thing is we see people that hear from a treatment center.

    00:14:29 Beth Murphy

    They're coming here from a psych hospital on on discharge or decades of inner suffering.

    00:14:36 Beth Murphy

    That they've had that have caused all kinds of behavior or problems, or relationship problems that are pretty acute or or chronic.

    00:14:45 Beth Murphy

    The freedom that they experience just like you and I did is both massive.

    00:14:51 Beth Murphy

    And beautiful subtle huge miraculous miraculous.

    00:14:57 John Murphy

    Yeah, I mean, it really is when you consider the amount of history people have with suffering from depression and related kinds of things that actually can lift off and it can lift off from simply honoring God and doing what he's called us to do and recognize the principles that we are under.

    00:15:12 John Murphy

    So there's the two versions me with more of aware of the people that I'm angry at from my past.

    00:15:16 John Murphy

    And then there's the.

    00:15:17 John Murphy

    I've dealt with that and they kind of put it wrap it up in a little box and put it on the shelf.

    00:15:21 John Murphy

    Both of those.

    00:15:22 John Murphy

    Tactics take a lot of energy out of you, keeping it up on the shelf and keeping it wrapped in the box and keeping that plate in the air is, you know, that's energy as well.

    00:15:32 John Murphy

    That takes takes life out of you, and so does staying in the cycle of awareness and processing past defenses.

    00:15:38 John Murphy

    That takes a lot of energy out of you and all these things just shut you down and we have so much energy.

    00:15:42 John Murphy

    When we're tormented by these things, whether or knowingly or unknowingly, they're having the same ultimate effect, and I just agree that it is, it's a little more challenging for people who feel like they've dealt with things.

    00:15:53 John Murphy

    For us to pull that box out of the shelf and to open that box up and to help them see that no.

    00:15:58 John Murphy

    Actually, there's a pretty active offense, so wound and suffering is coming as a part of it.

    00:16:02 John Murphy

    It's all part of the process of healing, so I think what we need to do here is declare an Independence Day.

    00:16:08 John Murphy

    Now for anybody who's listening, don't let this pass now this moment right now can be the beginning.

    00:16:13 John Murphy

    Of your Independence Day, or it can be the Independence Day.

    00:16:16 John Murphy

    Everybody has got someone inside of them because you're human and you're not Jesus.

    00:16:20 John Murphy

    And Jesus was the only one that made it through this life without taking offense.

    00:16:24 John Murphy

    If you're wrestling with depression or anxiety or other deep emotional stuff.

    00:16:28 John Murphy

    There is most likely, and we've never seen the two separate.

    00:16:32 John Murphy

    There's always been a level of unforgiveness somewhere in the story of someone suffering.

    00:16:38 John Murphy

    It's just always true.

    00:16:39 John Murphy

    Always true if you're listening to this, because this is about depression or for any other reason I can tell you that somewhere in the conversation that you need to have with God or with us or however you want to have this.

    00:16:49 John Murphy

    Conversation, but recognizing those offenses is going to be critical to your freedom, so we're going to declare Independence Day, and we're going to start off with a prayer.

    00:16:56 John Murphy

    Just asking God to show you in my case you didn't have to show me a whole lot.

    00:17:00 John Murphy

    In best case it was more God was a part of the revelation.

    00:17:05 John Murphy

    But in all cases, we want to engage God, and I think what we want to do is first just pray a prayer of asking him to show us that one big boulder in our stream.

    00:17:14 John Murphy

    Who is that person that I have the greatest defense from which I will receive the greatest freedom when I let it go?

    00:17:20 John Murphy

    And so we're just going to pray that and then I'm gonna walk you through a forgiveness prayer.

    00:17:23 John Murphy

    I can promise you something will happen.

    00:17:25 John Murphy

    If you will engage this authentically.

    00:17:26 John Murphy

    I mean, I speak with hundreds of people in the room.

    00:17:29 John Murphy

    I will lead everybody in a freedom.

    00:17:31 John Murphy

    This prayer, when I'm done almost every time.

    00:17:33 John Murphy

    And I have people come up to me consistently saying this was the breakthrough something just lifted off of me while I was sitting in the audience.

    00:17:39 John Murphy

    This is not a small thing.

    00:17:40 John Murphy

    This is a big thing.

    00:17:41 John Murphy

    Pentas Day is celebrated with big bangs and fireworks because it's a big deal.

    00:17:45 John Murphy

    You can get free of the suffering of offense and it is simply obedience.

    00:17:50 John Murphy

    It's doing what God has called us to do.

    00:17:51 John Murphy

    It's basically replicating the character of Christ.

    00:17:53 John Murphy

    And forgiveness.

    00:17:54 John Murphy

    And so let's start.

    00:17:56 John Murphy

    Oh, Heavenly Father, I just ask right now that you would reveal to me.

    00:18:02 John Murphy

    Who it is in my life.

    00:18:04 John Murphy

    That I have held onto offense for for any reason bored.

    00:18:07 John Murphy

    I just ask that you would show that person to me.

    00:18:09 John Murphy

    Make it clear to me and give me the energy.

    00:18:12 John Murphy

    And the desire to please you.

    00:18:16 John Murphy

    And responding obediently to do the forgiveness work?

    00:18:20 John Murphy

    So if Heavenly Father just show me right now who that person is?

    00:18:25 John Murphy

    In Jesus name.

    00:18:27 John Murphy

    So everybody who's listening someone just came into their mind and a lot of people were listening.

    00:18:32 John Murphy

    Someone else came in their mind afterwards and So what you need to do is do the first one.

    00:18:37 John Murphy

    Usually it is that first one and then we start rationalizing that no, it's really someone else.

    00:18:41 John Murphy

    That's a pretty common thing to do.

    00:18:42 John Murphy

    So the first person that pops into your mind to forgive is who you need to forgive.

    00:18:47 John Murphy

    And you will get a benefit from forgiving right now.

    00:18:50 John Murphy

    So let's enter into a prayer forgiveness.

    00:18:53 John Murphy

    O Heavenly Father, I forgive, say the person name.

    00:18:59 John Murphy

    And I ask that you would forgive them.

    00:19:02 John Murphy

    For any way in which their behaviors are an affront to your righteousness.

    00:19:08 John Murphy

    Heavenly Father, I forgive them 4.

    00:19:11 John Murphy

    List what it is they did.

    00:19:13 John Murphy

    I forgive them for the way it made me feel.

    00:19:16 John Murphy

    How did it make you feel?

    00:19:17 John Murphy

    Think about that.

    00:19:18 John Murphy

    I forgive them for the way that it caused me to suffer.

    00:19:22 John Murphy

    How do you feel like it caused you to suffer?

    00:19:24 John Murphy

    Heavenly Father asked you to invade their heart with blessing.

    00:19:29 John Murphy

    I ask you to reveal how trustworthy you are.

    00:19:33 John Murphy

    And how much you love them so that they can heal.

    00:19:37 John Murphy

    Of any way in which they suffer.

    00:19:41 John Murphy

    Heavenly Father, I asked that she would prosper them spiritually.

    00:19:46 John Murphy

    That you would remind me of this forgiveness.

    00:19:49 John Murphy

    And that you would show me how to love them the way you love them.

    00:19:54 John Murphy

    I pray this in Jesus name.

    00:19:58 John Murphy

    So I really appreciate everyone listening.

    00:20:00 John Murphy

    I appreciate you that you're listening through our stories.

    00:20:03 John Murphy

    I really hope that you prayed that prayer.

    00:20:05 John Murphy

    It is the beginning of your.

    00:20:06 John Murphy

    Freedom if you feel like that this has caused something you're wrestling with and you need some help to kind of really understand what's going on.

    00:20:13 John Murphy

    We're obviously we're always here to be contacted and we're glad to help you, but.

    00:20:17 John Murphy

    You can forgive on your own sitting wherever you're sitting, wherever you're driving whatever you're doing and I just want to encourage everybody.

    00:20:24 John Murphy

    To be open to the Holy Spirit, open to God, leading them.

    00:20:29 John Murphy

    When we feel offense to immediately respond in forgiveness, not because they deserve it because they don't but you know we didn't deserve forgiveness either.

    00:20:36 John Murphy

    We don't want to do it because it honors God and how much he loves us and we want to honor him and be grateful and express our gratitude for his love for us through that obedience.

    00:20:45 Beth Murphy

    Thank you for listening today.

    00:20:46 Beth Murphy

    God bless you as you go down this forgiveness track and know that you can always call us or email us at rockhaus Center.

    00:20:52 Beth Murphy

    We'd love.

    00:20:53 Beth Murphy

    To talk to you.